Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I feel I owe you readers a little bit of back story.  Hmm...what should I say about our relationship? Well pictures are worth a thousand words, right?

Ha! Let’s see my earliest memory of Lindsay was about a month before she was born and my mom was sitting on her bed crying. All I could think was "I knew it! You don’t want her either…" Turns out she was really crying about the 8 week old puppy dad and I just brought home, something about having a puppy AND a newborn.  

For the most part I think we've had the typical older sister/younger sister relationship. I'm the organized and responsible one and Lindsay is the wild child. Ask her about the time she drove the car into the gas station.... 

Or I’ll just tell you. Mom went into the gas station and left us in the car like all responsible parents did at the time and Lindsay got the bright idea that she was going to pretend to drive. Well, somewhere in the “pretend” part she put the car in gear, amazing how she knew it was exactly three pulls to get it in drive…farm kids. The car started rolling at a lighting speed of about 2mph and my mom came running around the back of the car, flung open the door, pushed Lindsay out of the way and onto the floor board, then threw it in park at the same time we hit….the rain gutter on the side of the building. I’ll let her tell you about the spanking she got for that one.

That pretty much sums up how Lindsay operates...quick decisions and stubborn till the end. We are now 48 hours into this engagement and major decisions are coming down the pipeline. Here's the list: number of bridesmaids/groomsmen-disagreement included, church vs non-church ceremony smack down, the cut throat competition of who will actually be invited to this wedding, and lastly where the hell in this area are we going to find a barn to hold 300 people and not pay an arm and a leg!

I have calmly sat by and nodded and listened to every detail that's being thrown out there but then tonight sitting around grandma's dining room table, listening to Lindsay, my mom, and some aunts talking...my face kept doing this weird thing were it reacts before I can stop it...I spent part of my evening like this

but then I remind myself...not my wedding, not my wedding, not my monkeys-not my circus...err I mean not my wedding. Stay tuned...

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